Custom Manufacturing

Welcome to the ILK-eL solutions center 
We can manufacture the desired system or equipment in the required quantity and specifications by evaluating all kinds of electrical, electronic, mechanical designs in line with your demands or by undertaking the necessary design studies based on the needs.

Custom Manufacturing

At ILK-eL Solution Center, we design customized solutions together with our customers by prioritizing initiatives that will bring the most value while minimizing implementation costs

  • We share our customers' horizons
  • We deliver real results by focusing on their strategic decisions and practical actions while working to understand their reality
  • We align our insights with our clients' goals so they can see well that we are together

We can customize the equipment according to your specific needs

  • Our know-how, partnerships with international manufacturers and our experience allow us to gain efficiencies that will save you both time and costs

We can customize our services according to your needs

  • We can provide engineering, project management, purchasing, exploration, accounting and installation services according to the needs of your business or project